Heed The Word
Heed The Word is the online Bible teaching ministry of Pastor Ken Davis of Calvary Chapel Southwest Metro, a non-denominational church in Joshua, Texas. We are committed to bringing our listeners the Word of God by simply teaching the Bible simply. It is our hope that these broadcasts will encourage you to believe in Jesus Christ, and to grow as His disciple as you walk worthy of the calling with which we have been called.
Our latest episodes are a rebroadcast of our "Heed the Word" radio program. These episodes were originally broadcast on KDKR. At that time our church was located in Burleson, Texas though we have since relocated to Joshua. Additionally, these episodes indicate that CD copies can be ordered, but as they are now available through our podcast, we are no longer offering physical copies of these messages. It is our continued hope that these Bible teachings are an encouragement to you and we appreciate you joining us here on Heed the Word!
Heed The Word
A Prescription for Anxiety
Anxiety is real, and many people today struggle with anxiety and fear, but as citizens of heaven we can recognize that this world is not our home. In today's study the scriptures offer us a prescription for anxiety, and an exhortation to set our minds. Following these principles and walking by faith in the Lord can help us to overcome the fear and anxiety that trouble us. This study begins in Philippians 4 but also includes scriptures from Hebrews 11, Romans 12, Colossians 3, Psalms 92 and various other passages.